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Hot Big Boobies Tube - Earth Mama Customer Review

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"Transform Your Breastfeeding Experience with Earth Mama Booby Tubes – The Ultimate Relief for Tender Breasts, Now Just a Click Away!"

As a new mom, I completely understand the struggles and discomforts that come with breastfeeding. From engorgement to clogged ducts, the journey isn't always smooth. That's why I want to share my experience with Earth Mama Booby Tubes, a product that has been a game changer for me. Like many of you, I've been on the lookout for natural and safe solutions to ease the discomforts of breastfeeding. When I came across Earth Mama's Hot and Cold Nursing Packs, I was initially skeptical. Could something so simple really make a difference? The answer, I found out, was a resounding yes.

1. What are Earth Mama Booby Tubes?

These are gel-free hot and cold compress nursing packs designed specifically for breastfeeding moms. Each pack contains two tubes, and they're filled with flax seed and encased in an organic cotton shell. The beauty of these tubes is their versatility – they can be used either warm or cold.

2. Using Them Warm:

I first tried the Booby Tubes warm. After experiencing some challenges with milk flow, particularly clogged ducts, I was desperate for relief. Following the instructions, I warmed them up and placed them on each side. The moist heat they provided was not only soothing but also helped in encouraging milk flow. It felt like a gentle, warm hug for my breasts and significantly eased the discomfort.

3. Using Them Cold:

The Booby Tubes can also be cooled in the freezer, which I found incredibly helpful between feedings. The coolness was a relief, especially on days when my breasts felt particularly tender and swollen. It's like having a mini spa treatment tucked inside your bra!

4. Practicality and Comfort:

The size of the tubes is perfect – not too big, not too small. They fit comfortably inside my bra, allowing me to go about my daily tasks without any hassle. The organic cotton feels soft against the skin, which is a big plus considering the sensitivity during breastfeeding.

5. Why I Recommend Them:

Natural and Safe: Made with organic materials and free from gels or harmful chemicals. Versatility: Can be used either hot or cold, catering to different needs. Ease of Use: Simple to heat or cool, and they stay in place inside your bra. Effective Relief: Provides significant relief from common breastfeeding discomforts. A Thoughtful Gift for Expecting Mothers: I've already recommended Booby Tubes to several of my pregnant friends. They make a thoughtful and practical addition to any baby registry or hospital bag.

6. In Conclusion:

Overall, Earth Mama Booby Tubes have been a fantastic find. They've provided me with much-needed relief and made my breastfeeding journey more comfortable. If you're a new mom or soon-to-be mom experiencing similar challenges, I highly recommend giving these a try. They just might be the soothing solution you've been looking for.


  1. What are Earth Mama Booby Tubes?
    Earth Mama Booby Tubes are gel-free hot and cold compress nursing packs. They are designed to provide relief from breastfeeding discomforts such as clogged ducts, engorgement, and challenges with milk flow. Each pack includes two tubes filled with flax seed and encased in an organic cotton shell.
  2. How do you use Booby Tubes?
    Booby Tubes can be used either warm or cold. For warm use, heat them in the microwave as per the instructions provided. For cold use, place them in the freezer. Once ready, place them inside your bra for relief.
  3. Are Booby Tubes safe to use?
    Yes, they are safe. Earth Mama Booby Tubes are made with natural, organic materials and are gel-free. They are designed to be safe for breastfeeding mothers.
  4. How long do the Booby Tubes stay warm or cold?
    The flax seed filling helps retain heat or cold for a substantial period. However, the duration may vary based on environmental factors. Typically, they provide relief for a significant amount of time sufficient for easing discomfort.
  5. Can I use Booby Tubes if I have sensitive skin?
    Yes. The outer shell is made from organic cotton, which is generally suitable for sensitive skin. However, if you have specific allergies or skin conditions, consult with a healthcare provider before use.
  6. How do you clean the Booby Tubes?
    Spot clean only. Do not immerse in water as it can damage the flax seed filling. Follow the care instructions provided with the product for best results.
  7. Are Booby Tubes reusable?
    Yes, they are designed to be reusable. You can heat or cool them as needed for repeated use.
  8. Where can I buy Earth Mama Booby Tubes?
    They are available through various online retailers, including Earth Mama’s official website, as well as in some physical stores specializing in maternity and baby products. 
  9. Can I use Booby Tubes for other purposes besides breastfeeding discomfort?
    While primarily designed for breastfeeding mothers, they can be used for general relief from aches and pains that benefit from heat or cold therapy.
  10. Do Booby Tubes come in different sizes?
    Currently, they are available in a standard size that is designed to fit comfortably for most users. The size is optimized for effective coverage and comfort.

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